Corporate Suites
Furnished Apartments in Downtown Detroit and the Suburbs
Corporate Furnished Apartments Available in Detroit
Apartment communities generally do not participate in the short-term furnished, “corporate housing” market. Corporate housing providers fill the gap, because they lease the apartments from the apartment buildings, invest in or lease the furnishings, set up all the utilities and services, pay short term premiums, etc.
Since corporate housing providers still have to pay for all these expenses even between guests and pay for overhead and marketing, the cost of corporate housing to the end user can be substantial.
TurnkeyRELO has a unique business model that keeps operations costs low. Combined with being a trusted local provider, we offer accommodations at lower prices than national and regional providers.
Great Locations
TurnkeyRELO connects you with corporate housing that is close to the amenities you want and the businesses you need.
Flexible Leases
In town for business for a short time? No time to secure temporary corporate housing with necessary amenities? We take care of everything for you. Just bring your suitcase.
Convenient Locations in Metro Detroit Area
- Auburn Hills
- Bloomfield Hills
- Downtown and Midtown Detroit
- Farmington
- Ferndale
- Novi
- Royal Oak
- Shelby Township
- Sterling Heights
- Warren
- Troy
- Rochester
- And More
Amenities Included in Corporate Housing
- Flexible Lease Or Month-to-Month Terms
- Convenient Locations Available
- Comfortable Furniture
- Housewares, Cookware & Linens
- Electricity Bill Paid
- Water Bill Paid
- Heating & Air Conditioning Paid
- High Speed Wi-Fi and fiber optic internet
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